Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back in NY

Slept for two days after arriving back in NY- happy to be home,  I have a lot of work to do!
Im finally downloading all the photos and videos and have started posting them here and on my website.

Make sure to click on the 'September' link above and scroll through the myriad of images posted the past few weeks.  Keep in mind that I ended my trip with a few days in Athens, Delphi then Paris but the previous images are the whole reason, cause and celebration for the trip: "Vessels for Greek Light", made from locally harvested bamboo (did you catch the video clips of me cutting and cleaning? -Kind of humorous now that I look at them! ) with solar panels powering LED lights to create an interior glow after dusk...powered by 'Greek light'...an Environmental art installation in Rhodes Greece at ArtPark Greece!!

Until next time...